Author: Todd

Jaxtr 5 Free SMS Text and Calls

If you are a member of Jaxtr you can send free sms to anyone located inside of support sms countries. Signing up for Jaxtr is pretty easy. Name and email to begin and later you have to verify your email. So I suggest using your...

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EzTexting Now Offers MMS

The paid and free EzTexting website now offers users to send MMS messages. If you currently use an iPhone than this could interest you. However, the fees aren’t so fantastic if you decide to become a full paid user. It...

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3Jam Blackberry SMS App

During the last occasions I’ve been writing about several Apple iPhone Apps or services that allow free sms. Well 3Jam, a company that I reviewed in the past has improved their Blackberry SMS application. The company is...

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Recently I purchased an iPhone and have been pretty happy with the possibilities. Especially with the wifi and being able to send free text messages using some of my favorite services, SMSCity and Talksms . However, if there is...

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